Wednesday, October 22, 2008

FEEL THE PUNCH! (That's our slogan. We say it often. :) )

My boss. Oh, my boss. She is quite the trooper. I admire her for that. And for her sassy spirit. For how she always knows just what to do. For her caring and kind ways. For the way she appreciates me. For her sense of humor. For her strength. And for her courage.

I'm walking in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk this Saturday. My boss started a "little" team for the walk and named us the Fighting Striders of Smyrna. She sent out a few e-mails and set our goal at $5,000.00. A few weeks later, our team is 65 walkers and growing, and we have raised nearly $19,000.00. Three people at work shaved their heads slick (and two of them are women!) and I dyed my hair pink in honor of the cause. It has pretty much faded now, to a nice fall shade of red, but I will post some pictures of it that were taken the day after I did it.

I'm so proud of us! We are the number two team for fundraising in Middle Tennessee - right behind O'Charley's. And they have like 130 stores in 15 states or something. (I did used to work there, so that might not be right, but it's probably not too far off.) We're just a little group of Smyrna-nites who said to O'Charley's, and to cancer.....FEEL THE PUNCH!!

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